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如何运用斐波那契回撤进行交易 How to Use Fibonacci Retracement to Enter a Trade

2024-07-03 09:40:09 [热词] 来源:经济369


Fibonacci retracement is a popular technical analysis tool used by traders to identify potential levels of support and resistance in the financial markets. By applying Fibonacci levels to a price chart, traders can anticipate potential retracement levels after a significant price movement, helping them enter trades with better timing and precision.

Understanding Fibonacci Retracement

The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, typically starting with 0 and 1. The key Fibonacci retracement levels commonly used in trading are 23.6%, 38.2%, 50%, 61.8%, and 100%. These levels indicate potential areas where a financial asset could retrace before resuming its previous trend.

Identifying a Trend

Before using Fibonacci retracement to enter a trade, it is important to identify the prevailing trend in the market. Traders can look at price charts to determine whether the asset is trending upwards, downwards, or moving sideways. Fibonacci retracement is most effective when used in conjunction with a clear trend direction.

Applying Fibonacci Retracement

To apply Fibonacci retracement levels, traders need to select a significant price movement on the chart and draw the Fibonacci retracement tool from the swing low to the swing high in an uptrend, or from the swing high to the swing low in a downtrend. The Fibonacci levels will then be automatically generated on the chart, showing potential retracement levels.

Using Fibonacci Levels for Entry Points

Traders can use Fibonacci retracement levels to identify potential entry points for trades. Common strategies include buying near the 38.2% or 50% retracement levels in an uptrend, or selling near the same levels in a downtrend. These levels act as areas of support or resistance where price could bounce or reverse.

Combining Fibonacci Retracement with Other Indicators

While Fibonacci retracement can be a powerful tool on its own, traders often combine it with other technical indicators for confirmation. By using Fibonacci levels in conjunction with moving averages, trendlines, or candlestick patterns, traders can increase the probability of successful trades and reduce the risk of false signals.

Managing Risk with Fibonacci Retracement

Risk management is crucial in trading, and Fibonacci retracement can also be used to set stop-loss levels and target profits. Traders can place stop-loss orders below the 61.8% or 100% Fibonacci levels to protect their capital in case the trade goes against them, while setting profit targets near the 38.2% or 50% levels.

Practicing and Refining Your Skills

Like any trading strategy, using Fibonacci retracement requires practice and experience to master. Traders should paper trade or use a demo account to test different Fibonacci levels and combinations with other indicators before implementing them in live trading. By continuously refining their skills, traders can improve their ability to effectively use Fibonacci retracement in trading.


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